Welcome to Cryshell Audio!

If you’re looking for a place that’s all about audio equipment, speakers, and sound quality, you’ve finally found it.
My name is Noah Nowak. I am an audio enthusiast from Vechta, Germany. My story started a long time ago in my childhood, when I was about 10 years old. Back then, my father hosted big events and parties for thousands of people. He did everything himself, from setting up the location, to working behind the bar, to breaking it down at the end of the event. For me as a kid, the set up and tear down was a blast. But what fascinated me the most was the rented sound system that was in front of the bar.
Full-sized speakers hanging from the ceiling, paired with subwoofers even bigger than I was, got my full attention. Dismantling after an event took up to three days, and to my excitement, the audio system was one of the last things to be taken down. I got to use it to listen to my own music while my dad was busy dismantling everything else.
Imagine having the power over a tour grade PA system when you are 10 years old, with your own playlist from about 2004. I spent hours listening to my music and dancing to it, just for myself. Before each event, I would take a newly burned CD to try out on the system.
Over the years, I began to look into the individual parts of the system. I wanted to understand how the music from the CD was getting into my ears. Eventually, I began to operate the controllers or crossovers EQ myself and change the sound to my liking. I wanted the sound to be as clean as possible, without hum or hiss, which pushed the cheap rented audio equipment to its limits as I was growing up.
That was when my enthusiasm for professional audio and music was born. Whether it’s home theater, car hifi, professional audio or experimental speakers, my goal is always to get the best possible sound quality for the money spent. And that’s what Cryshell Audio is all about.