The final result

After a few more months of saving, I was finally able to buy all the electronic parts for this speaker kit from Visaton. In the meantime, the price went up by almost 200€, so I spent 1400€ just for the chassis and the crossover. That’s also the reason why it took me a few months to save and build it. Sorry for the long wait.

I also wanted to buy a suitable amplifier, but I found out that I can also use my PA amplifier in the meantime to save the money first. Long story short, it doesn’t sound as bad with it as I thought it would. Also, I’m not a fan of buying everything new when possible, so I’m waiting for an opportunity to get a used amp for the Grand Orgue.

I don’t want to keep you waiting any longer, so check out the final result here:

Grand Orgue

Check out my Instagram page for more pictures of the process of assembly.

What follows

Next time, I would like to share the measurement results of the speakers with you in a bit more detail. They vary enormously depending on the position. To be fair, I still haven’t found the right place for them. First I tried in my bedroom (since it is the largest room in my apartment), then I tried in my workroom, then again in my bedroom in a different placement. Right now the Grand Orgue is still in the bedroom corner as seen in the Instagram post. Let’s see what time will do.

Written by

Noah Nowak

20 Posts

With my career roots as a team leader of an IT team, I have turned my second dream job into my hobby, which I share and process in my blog. Working with audio in my personal time is providing me with the variety and work-life balance that everyone should have.
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